Coming out of the Broom Closet

Two years ago yesterday, on October 30, 2020, I gave a tarot reading to a friend. I told her she had “the gift” and took her to her first ever witchy shop.

But something happened to me that day.

Who was I to help her with witchcraft if I wasn’t calling myself a witch?

Then two years ago today on Halloween 2020, I found out a friend died by suicide. I was devastated.

In my grief, I called out to her and she came to me from the other side three times in my home and again at her memorial service, asking me to pass a message to someone else.

I felt her pushing me forward. Not long after, I came out of the closet as a psychic medium and a witch.

Toward the end of November 2020, my Instagram page, @psychicmediumwitch was born.

Sometime in December I gave my first professional tarot reading and the messages that came through were from a deceased loved one on the other side. It was a healing mediumship reading.

I didn’t know that coming out of the broom closet, starting my Instagram page, offering tarot readings, and selling a few magical candles, that in less than two years, I would watch a magical business blossom.

Today I own my dream metaphysical shop, and experience magic and miracles for a living.

I know I’m meant to share my gifts, because I’ve been shown that over and over again.

I spent 20 years growing spiritually, studying tarot, magic, philosophy, religion, psychology, working as a counselor, and acting as a spiritual mentor before ever calling myself a witch.

My business feels like a synthesis of all that knowledge and practice.

On this Halloween-iversary of coming out of the broom closet, I am launching an apprenticeship.

Anyone who would like to work with me in an in-depth customized and one-on-one format for a six month apprenticeship, in person or online, is welcomed to apply.

I know Spirit will guide me to the people I am meant to work with.

Visit here to learn more about the program and to apply to be one of my Sorceress’ Apprentices.

All my love,

Leigh Ann


A life raft in the ocean.


The High Priestess & Psychic Magic